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青島希尼爾翻譯公司 2016年8月3日整理發(fā)布
中華人民共和國海關(guān)對保稅物流園區(qū)的管理辦法 Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China
for the Administration of Bonded Logistic Parks
署 長 牟新生
第一章 總 則
第一條 為了規(guī)范海關(guān)對保稅物流園區(qū)及其進出貨物、保稅物流園區(qū)企業(yè)及其經(jīng)營行為的管理,根據(jù)《中華人民共和國海關(guān)法》和有關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定,制定本辦法。
第二條 本辦法所稱的保稅物流園區(qū)(以下簡稱園區(qū))是指經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準,在保稅區(qū)規(guī)劃面積或者毗鄰保稅區(qū)的特定港區(qū)內(nèi)設(shè)立的、專門發(fā)展現(xiàn)代國際物流業(yè)的海關(guān)特殊監(jiān)管區(qū)域。
第三條 海關(guān)在園區(qū)派駐機構(gòu),依照本辦法對進出園區(qū)的貨物、運輸工具、個人攜帶物品及園區(qū)內(nèi)相關(guān)場所實行24小時監(jiān)管。
第四條 園區(qū)與中華人民共和國境內(nèi)的其他地區(qū)(以下簡稱區(qū)外)之間,應(yīng)當設(shè)置符合海關(guān)監(jiān)管要求的卡口、圍網(wǎng)隔離設(shè)施、視頻監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)及其他海關(guān)監(jiān)管所需的設(shè)施。
第五條 園區(qū)內(nèi)設(shè)立倉庫、堆場、查驗場和必要的業(yè)務(wù)指揮調(diào)度操作場所,不得建立工業(yè)生產(chǎn)加工場所和商業(yè)性消費設(shè)施。
第六條 經(jīng)海關(guān)總署會同國務(wù)院有關(guān)部門對本辦法第四條、第五條第一款規(guī)定的有關(guān)設(shè)施、場所驗收合格后,園區(qū)可以開展有關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)。
第七條 園區(qū)可以開展下列業(yè)務(wù):
第八條 園區(qū)內(nèi)不得開展商業(yè)零售、加工制造、翻新、拆解及其他與園區(qū)無關(guān)的業(yè)務(wù)。
第九條 有下列情形的,園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)書面報告園區(qū)主管海關(guān)并辦理相關(guān)手續(xù):
第十條 對園區(qū)與區(qū)外之間進出的海關(guān)監(jiān)管貨物,園區(qū)主管海關(guān)可以要求企業(yè)提供相應(yīng)的擔保。
第十一條 法律、行政法規(guī)禁止進出口的貨物、物品不得進出園區(qū)。
第二章 海關(guān)對園區(qū)企業(yè)的管理
第十二條 園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當具有企業(yè)法人資格。園區(qū)企業(yè)在開展業(yè)務(wù)前,應(yīng)當按照《中華人民共和國海關(guān)對報關(guān)單位注冊登記管理規(guī)定》及相關(guān)規(guī)定向海關(guān)辦理注冊登記手續(xù)。
第十三條 園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當具備下列條件:
第十四條 園區(qū)企業(yè)變更營業(yè)場所面積、地址等事項的,應(yīng)當報經(jīng)直屬海關(guān)批準;變更名稱、組織機構(gòu)、性質(zhì)、法定代表人、注冊資本等注冊登記內(nèi)容的,應(yīng)當在變更后5個工作日內(nèi)報直屬海關(guān)備案。
第十五條 海關(guān)對園區(qū)企業(yè)實行電子賬冊監(jiān)管制度和計算機聯(lián)網(wǎng)管理制度。
第十六條 園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當依照《中華人民共和國會計法》及有關(guān)法律、行政法規(guī)的規(guī)定,規(guī)范財務(wù)管理,設(shè)置符合海關(guān)監(jiān)管要求的賬簿、報表,記錄本企業(yè)的財務(wù)狀況和有關(guān)進出園區(qū)貨物、物品的庫存、轉(zhuǎn)讓、轉(zhuǎn)移、銷售、簡單加工、使用等情況,如實填寫有關(guān)單證、賬冊,憑合法、有效的憑證記賬和核算。
第三章 海關(guān)對進出園區(qū)貨物的監(jiān)管
第一節(jié) 對園區(qū)與境外之間進出貨物的監(jiān)管
第十七條 海關(guān)對園區(qū)與境外之間進、出的貨物實行備案制管理,但園區(qū)自用的免稅進口貨物、國際中轉(zhuǎn)貨物或者法律、行政法規(guī)另有規(guī)定的貨物除外。境外貨物到港后,園區(qū)企業(yè)(或者其代理人)可以先憑艙單將貨物直接運至園區(qū),再憑進境貨物備案清單向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)辦理申報手續(xù)。
第十八條 園區(qū)與境外之間進出的貨物應(yīng)當向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)申報。園區(qū)貨物的進出境口岸不在園區(qū)主管海關(guān)管轄區(qū)域的,經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)批準,可以在口岸海關(guān)辦理申報手續(xù)。
第十九條 園區(qū)內(nèi)開展整箱進出、二次拼箱等國際中轉(zhuǎn)業(yè)務(wù)的,由開展此項業(yè)務(wù)的企業(yè)向海關(guān)發(fā)送電子艙單數(shù)據(jù),園區(qū)企業(yè)向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)申請?zhí)嵯?、集運等,憑艙單等單證辦理進出境申報手續(xù)。
第二十條 從園區(qū)運往境外的貨物,除法律、行政法規(guī)另有規(guī)定外,免征出口關(guān)稅。
第二十一條 下列貨物、物品從境外進入園區(qū),海關(guān)予以辦理免稅手續(xù):
第二十二條 下列貨物從境外進入園區(qū),海關(guān)予以辦理保稅手續(xù):
第二十三條 園區(qū)行政管理機構(gòu)及其經(jīng)營主體和園區(qū)企業(yè)從境外進口的自用交通運輸工具、生活消費用品,按一般貿(mào)易進口貨物的有關(guān)規(guī)定向海關(guān)辦理申報手續(xù)。
第二十四條 園區(qū)與境外之間進出的貨物,不實行進出口許可證件管理,但法律、行政法規(guī)、規(guī)章另有規(guī)定的除外。
第二節(jié) 對園區(qū)與區(qū)外之間進出貨物的監(jiān)管
第二十五條 園區(qū)與區(qū)外之間進出的貨物,由園區(qū)企業(yè)或者區(qū)外收、發(fā)貨人(或者其代理人)在園區(qū)主管海關(guān)辦理申報手續(xù)。
第二十六條 園區(qū)貨物運往區(qū)外視同進口,園區(qū)企業(yè)或者區(qū)外收貨人(或者其代理人)按照進口貨物的有關(guān)規(guī)定向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)申報,海關(guān)按照貨物出園區(qū)時的實際監(jiān)管方式的有關(guān)規(guī)定辦理。
第二十七條 園區(qū)企業(yè)跨關(guān)區(qū)配送貨物或者異地企業(yè)跨關(guān)區(qū)到園區(qū)提取貨物的,可以在園區(qū)主管海關(guān)辦理申報手續(xù),也可以按照海關(guān)規(guī)定辦理進口轉(zhuǎn)關(guān)手續(xù)。
第二十八條 除法律、行政法規(guī)、規(guī)章規(guī)定不得集中申報的貨物外,園區(qū)企業(yè)少批量、多批次進、出貨物的,經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)批準可以辦理集中申報手續(xù),并適用每次貨物進出口時海關(guān)接受該貨物申報之日實施的稅率、匯率。集中申報的期限不得超過1個月,且不得跨年度辦理。
第二十九條 區(qū)外貨物運入園區(qū)視同出口,由園區(qū)企業(yè)或者區(qū)外發(fā)貨人(或者其代理人)向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)辦理出口申報手續(xù)。屬于應(yīng)當征收出口關(guān)稅的商品,海關(guān)按照有關(guān)規(guī)定征收出口關(guān)稅;屬于許可證件管理的商品,應(yīng)當同時向海關(guān)出具有效的出口許可證件,但法律、行政法規(guī)、規(guī)章另有規(guī)定在出境申報環(huán)節(jié)提交出口許可證件的除外。
第三十條 從園區(qū)到區(qū)外的貨物涉及免稅的,海關(guān)按照進口免稅貨物的有關(guān)規(guī)定辦理。
第三十一條 經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)批準,園區(qū)企業(yè)可以在園區(qū)綜合辦公區(qū)專用的展示場所舉辦商品展示活動。展示的貨物應(yīng)當在園區(qū)主管海關(guān)備案,并接受海關(guān)監(jiān)管。
第三十二條 園區(qū)行政管理機構(gòu)及其經(jīng)營主體和園區(qū)企業(yè)使用的機器、設(shè)備和辦公用品等,需要運往區(qū)外進行檢測、維修的,應(yīng)當向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)提出申請,經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)核準、登記后可以運往區(qū)外。
第三十三條 運往區(qū)外檢測、維修的機器、設(shè)備和辦公用品等不得留在區(qū)外使用,并自運出之日起60日內(nèi)運回園區(qū)。因特殊情況不能如期運回的,園區(qū)行政管理機構(gòu)及其經(jīng)營主體和園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當于期滿前10日內(nèi),以書面形式向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)申請延期,延長期限不得超過30日。
第三十四條 檢測、維修完畢運回園區(qū)的機器、設(shè)備等應(yīng)當為原物。有更換新零配件或者附件的,原零配件或者附件應(yīng)當一并運回園區(qū)。
第三十五條 區(qū)外原進口貨物需要退運出境或者原出口貨物需要復(fù)運進境的,不得經(jīng)過園區(qū)進出境或者進入園區(qū)存儲。
第三節(jié) 對園區(qū)內(nèi)貨物的監(jiān)管
第三十六條 園區(qū)內(nèi)貨物可以自由流轉(zhuǎn)。園區(qū)企業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)讓、轉(zhuǎn)移貨物時應(yīng)當將貨物的具體品名、數(shù)量、金額等有關(guān)事項向海關(guān)進行電子數(shù)據(jù)備案,并在轉(zhuǎn)讓、轉(zhuǎn)移后向海關(guān)辦理報核手續(xù)。
第三十七條 未經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)許可,園區(qū)企業(yè)不得將所存貨物抵押、質(zhì)押、留置、移作他用或者進行其他處置。
第三十八條 園區(qū)企業(yè)可以對所存貨物開展流通性簡單加工和增值服務(wù),包括分級分類、分拆分揀、分裝、計量、組合包裝、打膜、加刷嘜碼、刷貼標志、改換包裝、拼裝等具有商業(yè)增值的輔助性作業(yè)。
第三十九條 申請在園區(qū)內(nèi)開展維修業(yè)務(wù)的企業(yè)應(yīng)當具有企業(yè)法人資格,并在園區(qū)主管海關(guān)登記備案。園區(qū)企業(yè)所維修的產(chǎn)品及其零配件僅限于來自境外,檢測維修后的產(chǎn)品、更換的零配件以及維修過程中產(chǎn)生的物料等應(yīng)當復(fù)運出境。
第四十條 園區(qū)企業(yè)自開展業(yè)務(wù)之日起,應(yīng)當每年向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)辦理報核手續(xù)。園區(qū)主管海關(guān)應(yīng)當自受理報核申請之日起30日內(nèi)予以核庫。企業(yè)有關(guān)賬冊、原始數(shù)據(jù)應(yīng)當自核庫結(jié)束之日起至少保留3年。
第四十一條 進入園區(qū)的國內(nèi)出口貨物尚未辦理退稅手續(xù)的,因品質(zhì)或者規(guī)格原因需要退還出口企業(yè)時,園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當在貨物申報進入園區(qū)之日起1年內(nèi)提出申請,并提供出口企業(yè)所在地主管稅務(wù)部門出具的未辦理出口退稅證明,經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)批準后,可以辦理退運手續(xù),且無需繳納進口關(guān)稅、進口環(huán)節(jié)增值稅和消費稅;海關(guān)已征收出口關(guān)稅的,應(yīng)當予以退還。貨物以轉(zhuǎn)關(guān)方式進入園區(qū)的,園區(qū)企業(yè)出具啟運地海關(guān)退運聯(lián)系單后,園區(qū)主管海關(guān)辦理相關(guān)手續(xù)。
第四十二條 除已經(jīng)流通性簡單加工的貨物外,區(qū)外進入園區(qū)的貨物,因質(zhì)量、規(guī)格型號與合同不符等原因,需原狀返還出口企業(yè)進行更換的,園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當在貨物申報進入園區(qū)之日起1年內(nèi)向園區(qū)主管海關(guān)申請辦理退換手續(xù)。海關(guān)按照《中華人民共和國海關(guān)進出口貨物征稅管理辦法》的有關(guān)規(guī)定辦理。
第四十三條 園區(qū)企業(yè)需要開展危險化工品和易燃易爆物品存儲業(yè)務(wù)的,應(yīng)當取得安全生產(chǎn)管理、消防、環(huán)保等相關(guān)部門的行政許可,并報園區(qū)主管海關(guān)備案。有關(guān)儲罐、裝置、設(shè)備等設(shè)施應(yīng)當符合海關(guān)的監(jiān)管要求。
第四十四條 除法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定不得聲明放棄的貨物外,園區(qū)企業(yè)可以申請放棄貨物。
第四十五條 因不可抗力造成園區(qū)貨物損壞、損毀、滅失的,園區(qū)企業(yè)應(yīng)當及時書面報告園區(qū)主管海關(guān),說明理由并提供保險、災(zāi)害鑒定部門的有關(guān)證明。經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)核實確認后,按照下列規(guī)定處理:
第四十六條 因保管不善等非不可抗力因素造成貨物損壞、損毀、滅失的,按下列規(guī)定辦理:
第四十七條 園區(qū)貨物不設(shè)存儲期限。
第四節(jié) 對園區(qū)與其他海關(guān)特殊監(jiān)管區(qū)域、保稅監(jiān)管場所之間往來貨物的監(jiān)管
第四十八條 海關(guān)對于園區(qū)與海關(guān)特殊監(jiān)管區(qū)域或者保稅監(jiān)管場所之間往來的貨物,繼續(xù)實行保稅監(jiān)管,不予簽發(fā)出口貨物報關(guān)單證明聯(lián)。但貨物從未實行國內(nèi)貨物入?yún)^(qū)(倉)環(huán)節(jié)出口退稅制度的海關(guān)特殊監(jiān)管區(qū)域或者保稅監(jiān)管場所轉(zhuǎn)入園區(qū)的,按照貨物實際離境的有關(guān)規(guī)定辦理申報手續(xù),由轉(zhuǎn)出地海關(guān)簽發(fā)出口貨物報關(guān)單證明聯(lián)。
第四十九條 園區(qū)與其他海關(guān)特殊監(jiān)管區(qū)域、保稅監(jiān)管場所之間的貨物交易、流轉(zhuǎn),不征收進出口環(huán)節(jié)和國內(nèi)流通環(huán)節(jié)的有關(guān)稅收。
第四章 對進出園區(qū)運輸工具和人員攜帶貨物、物品的監(jiān)管
第五十條 運輸工具和人員應(yīng)當經(jīng)海關(guān)指定的專用通道進出園區(qū)。
第五十一條 對園區(qū)和其他口岸、海關(guān)特殊監(jiān)管區(qū)域或者保稅監(jiān)管場所之間進出的貨物,應(yīng)當由經(jīng)海關(guān)備案或者核準的運輸工具承運。承運人應(yīng)當遵守海關(guān)有關(guān)運輸工具及其所載貨物的管理規(guī)定。
第五十二條 園區(qū)與區(qū)外非海關(guān)特殊監(jiān)管區(qū)域或者保稅監(jiān)管場所之間貨物的往來,企業(yè)可以使用其他非海關(guān)監(jiān)管車輛承運。承運車輛進出園區(qū)通道時應(yīng)當經(jīng)海關(guān)登記,海關(guān)可以對貨物和承運車輛進行查驗、檢查。
第五十三條 下列貨物進出園區(qū)時,按照海關(guān)規(guī)定辦理相關(guān)手續(xù)并經(jīng)園區(qū)主管海關(guān)查驗后,可以由園區(qū)企業(yè)指派專人攜帶或者自行運輸:
第五章 附 則
第五十四條 除國際中轉(zhuǎn)貨物和其他另有規(guī)定的貨物外,從境外運入園區(qū)的貨物和從園區(qū)運往境外的貨物列入海關(guān)進出口統(tǒng)計。從區(qū)外運入園區(qū)和從園區(qū)運往區(qū)外的貨物,列入海關(guān)單項統(tǒng)計。
第五十五條 本辦法下列用語的含義:
第五十六條 違反本辦法規(guī)定,構(gòu)成走私或者違反海關(guān)監(jiān)管規(guī)定行為的,海關(guān)按照《中華人民共和國海關(guān)法》、《中華人民共和國海關(guān)行政處罰實施條例》的有關(guān)規(guī)定進行處理;構(gòu)成犯罪的,依法追究刑事責任。
第五十七條 本辦法由海關(guān)總署負責解釋。
第五十八條 本辦法自2006年1月1日起施行。
Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration
of Bonded Logistic Parks
Order of the General Administration of Customs No.134
The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the
Administration of Bonded Logistic Parks, which were adopted upon deliberation at
the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs on November 1st,
2005, are hereby promulgated, and shall go into effect as of January 1st, 2006.
Director General Mou Xinsheng
November 28, 2005.
Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China for the Administration
of Bonded Logistic Parks
Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1 In order to regulate the administration of the Customs on bonded
logistic parks and the flow of goods into or out thereof, enterprises in the
bonded logistic parks and their operation, these Measures are formulated
according to the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China as well as the
relevant laws and administrative regulations .
Article 2 The term "bonded logistic park" (hereinafter referred to as the
park) as mentioned in these Measures refers to the special zone under Customs
supervision, which are established within the planning areas of a bonded zone or
a special port section adjacent to the bonded zone for the development of modern
international logistics upon the approval of the State Council.
Article 3 The Customs shall set up office to be stationed in the park and
carry out 24-hour supervision over the goods, means of transport, articles
carried by individuals that enter and exit the park, and the relevant locations
within the park in accordance with these Measures.
Article 4 Checkpoints, isolation facilities, video monitoring systems and
other facilities necessary for the Customs surveillance, which meet the
requirements of Customs surveillance, shall be established between the park and
the other areas within the territory of the People's Republic of China
(hereinafter referred to as areas beyond the park).
Article 5 Warehouses, yards, checking sites, and operation places necessary
for business commanding and dispatching shall be established within the park,
and no industrial production and processing places and commercial consumption
facilities may be established therein.
The Customs, the administrative organ of the park and the operating entity
thereof, as well as the offices of enterprises established within the park
(hereinafter referred to as the enterprises in the park) and of other entities
shall be established in the comprehensive office areas of the park within the
planning areas and outside the net surrounding the park. Except security guards
and the personnel on duty of the relevant departments and of enterprises, no
other person may reside in the park.
Article 6 The relevant businesses may not be carried out in the park unless
the relevant facilities and places as prescribed in Article 4 and paragraph one
of Article 5 of the these Measures are qualified upon the check acceptance
conducted by the General Administration of Customs in conjunction with the
relevant departments of the State Council.
Article 7 The following businesses may be carried out in the park:
1. Storing of import and export goods and other goods that haven't gone
through the formalities for Customs clearance;
2. Performance of simple circulative processing and value-added services for
the stock in trade;
3. Import and export trade, including transit trade;
4. International purchase, allocation and distribution;
5. International transit business;
6. Testing and maintenance;
7. Exhibition of commodities; and
8. Other international logistic businesses as approved by the Customs.
Article 8 No commercial retail, processing and manufacture, renovation,
dismantlement, and any other business in no relation with the park areas may be
carried out within the park.
Article 9 Under any of the following circumstances, the enterprises in the
park shall report in writing to the competent Customs in the park and go through
the relevant formalities within the time limit prescribed by these measures:
1. They suffer from force majeure and other disasters;
2. The goods under Customs supervision are seized, detained or under other
mandatory measures taken by the administrative law enforcement departments or
judicial departments;
3. The goods under Customs supervision are stolen; or
4. Other circumstances as prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.
The time limit for reporting the aforesaid circumstances shall be within 5
workdays as of the occurrence in the case of the circumstance as prescribed in
item (1); and the time shall be within 3 workdays in the case of the
circumstances as prescribed in items (2) through (4).
Article 10 For the goods under Customs supervision that are transported
between the park and the areas beyond the park, the competent Customs houses in
the park areas may request the enterprises to provide corresponding guarantee.
Article 11 Goods and articles that are prohibited from import and export by
laws or administrative regulations my not enter and exit the park.
Chapter II Administration of the Customs on Enterprises in the Park
Article 12 Enterprises in the park shall have the qualification of a legal
entity. Before carrying out business, the enterprises in the park shall go
through registration formalities with the Customs according to the Provisions of
the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of
Registration of Declaration Entities and the relevant provisions.
Under special circumstances, and upon the approval of the Customs directly
under the General Administration of Customs, a legal person enterprise beyond
the park may establish branches within the park according to law.
Article 13 Enterprises in the park shall satisfy the following conditions:
1. Having the capability to pay taxes to the Customs and perform other legal
obligations; and
2. Having a special business office in the park.
Article 14 Where an enterprise in the park plans to change the areas and
address of its business office and other matters concerned, it shall report to
the Customs directly under the General Administration of Customs for approval.
If it plans to change its name, organization, nature, legal representative,
registered capital, and other registered items, it shall file with the Customs
directly under the General Administration of Customs for record within 5
workdays as of the date of change.
In the case of changes other than those as prescribed in the preceding
paragraph, the enterprise shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of
laws and administrative regulations, report to the competent Customs in the park
and go through the relevant formalities.
Article 15 The Customs shall implement the electronic account book supervision
system and the computer network management system with respect to the
enterprises in the park.
The administrative organ of the park or the operating entity thereof shall,
under the guidance of the Customs, establish a computerized public information
platform by the virtue of the Electronic Port for the purpose of electronic data
exchange and information sharing between the Customs, enterprises in the park,
and other relevant departments.
Enterprises in the park shall establish a computerized management system in
compliance with the requirements of Customs supervision, provide the Customs
with terminals to consult data, and network with the Customs in light of the
ways of certification and data standard as prescribed by the Customs.
Article 16 Enterprises in the park shall, in accordance with the Accounting
Law of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of the relevant laws
and administrative regulations, regulate accounting management, maintain account
books and compile statements and reports, which meet the requirements of Customs
supervision, and keep record of their financial situation as well as such
information as the stock, conveyance, transfer, sale, simple processing, and
utilization of goods and articles transported in or out of the park, faithfully
fill out the relevant documentations, account books, and keep accounts and make
business accounting based on the legal and valid vouchers
Enterprises in the park shall compile reports on the import, export, transfer
and storage of goods on monthly basis and the annual financial statements, and
regularly report them to the competent Customs in the park.
Chapter III Customs Supervision over Goods Entering and Exiting the Park
Section I Supervision over Goods Transported between the Park Areas and
Foreign Countries
Article 17 The Customs shall implement archival filing management as to the
goods transported between the park and foreign countries, except the tax-free
import goods for the self use of the park, goods in international transit or
goods concerning which other laws or administrative regulations prescribes
otherwise. After overseas goods have reached the ports, enterprises in the park
(or agents thereof) may transport the goods directly to the park upon the
strength of the manifest of cargo, and then go through declaration formalities
with the competent Customs in the park upon the strength of the archival filing
checklists of goods that enter into the territory of China.
Article 18 Goods transported between the park and foreign countries shall be
declared with the competent Customs in the park. If the entry and exit ports of
the goods in the park are not situated within the area under the jurisdiction of
the competent Customs of the park, the declaration formalities may be gone
through with the Customs in the ports upon the approval of the competent Customs
in the park.
Article 19 If such international transit businesses as the transport of the
full container load in and out, and groupage for the second time, are carried
out in the park, the enterprise that carries out such businesses shall send
electronic data of the manifest of cargo to the Customs, and the enterprise
concerned in the park shall apply for delivery and consolidation to the
competent Customs in the park, and go through the Customs declaration
formalities for entry and exit of goods upon the strength of the manifest of
cargo, and other documents.
Article 20 Goods shipped to foreign countries from the park are exempt from
export tax, except as otherwise prescribed by any other laws or administrative
Article 21 The Customs shall handle the tax exemption formalities for the
following goods and articles that are transported into the park from overseas:
1. Equipment and materials as are needed for the construction projects of
infrastructure in the park;
2. Machines, loading and unloading equipment, warehouse facilities, management
facilities as are needed for the enterprises in the park to carry out business,
and the consumables, components and parts, and tools for their maintenance; and
3. Reasonable amount of office supplies for the self use of the administrative
organ of the park and the operating entity thereof, and enterprises in the park.
Article 22 The Customs houses shall handle the formalities concerning
protective tariff for the following goods that are transported into the park
from overseas:
1. Goods and packing materials thereof as are needed for the enterprises in
the park to carry out business;
2. Goods imported under processing trade;
3. Goods in transit trade;
4. Goods preserved temporarily for foreign businessmen;
5. Materials and components and parts for the maintenance of the ocean-going
vessels and international aircrafts;
6. Import consignment;
7. Goods entered for testing and maintenance, and the components and parts
8. Exhibits and samples for order by sample;
9. General trade goods whose Customs clearance formalities have not been gone
through; and
10. Other entry goods as approved by the Customs.
Article 23 The administrative organ of the park and the operating entity
thereof, and enterprises in the park shall, in accordance with the relevant
provisions on goods import under general trade, go through declaration
formalities for the means of transport and living consumption goods imported by
them for self use from overseas.
Article 24 Goods transported between the park and foreign countries are not
subject to the import and export licensing administration, except as otherwise
prescribed by laws, administrative regulations and rules.
Section II Supervision over Goods Transported between the Park and the Areas
beyond the Park
Article 25 For goods transported between the park and the areas beyond the
park, the enterprise in the park or the consignor or consignee (or agents
thereof) the areas beyond the park shall go through declaration formalities with
the competent Customs in the park.
Where an enterprise in the park engages in the import and export trade in the
area beyond the park and goods are not transported into and out of the park in
fact, it may go through declaration formalities with the competent Customs at
the locality of the consignor or the consignee or with the Customs at the port
of the actual entry and exit of the goods.
Article 26 Shipment of goods from the park to the area beyond the park shall
be regarded as import, the enterprise in the park or the consignee (or agents
thereof) in area beyond the park shall lodge declaration with the competent
Customs in the park according to the relevant provisions concerning import
goods, and the Customs shall handle the formalities in light of the actual ways
of supervision when the goods are transported out of the park.
Article 27 Where an enterprise in the park distributes goods by crossing the
Customs jurisdiction or an enterprise from other areas takes delivery of goods
in the park by crossing the Customs jurisdiction, it may go through declaration
formalities with the competent Customs in the park or import transit formalities
according to the Customs provisions.
Article 28 Except the goods that may not be declared collectively as
prescribed by laws, administrative regulations or rules, where an enterprise in
the park imports or exports goods in small quantity and by multi-batch, it may
go through declaration formalities collectively upon approval of the competent
Customs in the park, and apply the tariff rate and exchange rate applicable on
the day when the Customs accepts the declaration for each importation and
exportation of the goods. The time limit for collective declaration may neither
exceed one month nor straddle over year.
Article 29 Shipment of goods from the areas beyond the park into the park
shall be regarded as export, and the declaration formalities shall be gone
through with the competent Customs in the park by the enterprises in the park or
the consigners (or agents thereof) in the areas beyond the park. For the
commodities subject to export tax, the Customs shall levy export tax according
to the relevant provisions; for the commodities subject to licensing
administration, the effective export licenses shall be presented to the Customs
at the same time, unless it is otherwise prescribed by other laws,
administrative regulations or rules that the export licenses shall be submitted
at the link of export declaration.
The formalities for issuing the certification page of the declaration form of
export goods for handling export tax refund shall be handled according to the
following applicable provisions:
1. For home-made goods and packing materials thereof transported into the park
from the areas beyond the park for enterprises in the park to carry out
business, the enterprises in the park or the consigners (or agents thereof) in
the areas beyond the park shall fill out the Customs declaration form for export
goods, and the Customs shall handle it according to the relevant provisions on
export goods, and issue the certification page of the declaration form of export
goods. If the goods are exported in transit, the Customs in the place of
consignment shall issue the certification page of the declaration form of export
goods after receiving the electronic return receipt of the competent Customs in
the park confirming that the goods in transit have transported into the park;
2. For the home-made materials for capital construction, machines, loading and
unloading equipment, and management facilities, etc. that are transported into
the park from the areas beyond the park for the use of the administrative organ
of the park and the operating entity thereof and enterprises in the park, the
Customs shall handle them according to the relevant provisions on export goods,
and issue the certification page of the declaration form of export goods;
3. For the living consumption goods, office supplies, and means of transport
that are transported into the park from the areas beyond the park for the use of
the administrative organ of the park and the operating entity thereof and
enterprises in the park, the Customs shall not issue the certification page of
the declaration form of export goods;
4. For the original import goods, packing materials, equipment, and capital
construction materials that are transported into the park from the areas beyond
the park, enterprises in the areas beyond the park shall present the lists of
the aforesaid goods or articles to the Customs, and go through declaration
formalities according to the relevant provisions on export goods, and the
Customs houses shall not issue the certification page of the declaration form of
export goods, and the duties, import value added tax and consumption tax that
have been paid shall not be refunded.
Article 30 Where tax exemption is involved in any goods transported from the
park to the areas beyond the park, the Customs shall handle tax exemption
according to the relevant provisions on import goods exempt from tax.
Article 31 Upon approval of the competent Customs in the park, enterprises in
the park may lay out merchandises at the special exhibition places of the
comprehensive office areas in the park. The exhibits shall be put on record with
the competent Customs in the park, and under the supervision of the Customs.
Where an enterprise in the park lays out merchandises in other places outside
the park, the Customs houses shall handle the relevant formalities in light of
the administrative provisions of the Customs on temporary import of goods.
Article 32 If it is necessary to transport out of the park the machines,
equipment and office supplies for the use of the administrative organ of the
park and the operating entity thereof and enterprises in the park for testing
and maintenance, the said organs and enterprises shall file an application to
the competent Customs houses in the park, and the goods may be transported out
of the park upon approval of and registration with the competent Customs in the
Article 33 Machines, equipment, and office supplies that are transported out
of the park for testing and maintenance may not be kept in the areas beyond the
park for use, and shall be transported back to the park within 60 days from the
day when they are transported out. If they cannot be transported back as
required due to special circumstances, the administrative organ of the park
areas and the operating entity thereof and the enterprise concerned in the park
shall apply in writing for extension of time limit to the competent Customs in
the park within 10 days before expiry of time limit, and the period of extension
may not exceed 30 days.
Article 34 Machines and equipment that are transported back to the park after
completion of testing and maintenance shall be the originals. If any parts and
components or accessories are replaced, the original parts and components or
accessories shall be transported back to the park along with the machines and
For home-made parts and components or accessories replaced in the areas beyond
the park, if it is necessary to refund tax, enterprises in the park or in the
areas beyond the park shall file an application in this regard, and the
competent Customs in the park shall handle it according to the relevant
provisions on export goods, and issue the certification page of the declaration
form of export goods.
Article 35 If it is necessary to return any goods originally imported into the
areas beyond the park out of China or to re-transport any originally exported
goods back to China, the goods may not be transported into or out of China by
crossing the park or transported into the park for storage.
If the goods originally imported into the areas beyond the park that is
replaced under the provisions on goods imported at zero cost for replacement
purposes are kept in the areas beyond the park and not shipped out of China,
they may not be transported into the park areas.
Section III Supervision over Goods within the Park
Article 36 Goods in the park may be circulated freely. When transferring or
conveying goods, enterprises in the park shall, by electronic means, file such
matters as the name of the goods, quantity, and amount with the Customs for
record, and shall go through formalities for verification after the goods are
transferred or conveyed.
Article 37 No enterprise in the park may make mortgage, pledge, lien on the
goods in stock, nor may it appropriate the goods for other purposes, or make
other disposal without approval of the competent Customs in the park.
The provisions of the preceding paragraph of this Article shall be applicable
to the tax-free goods and articles that are transported into the park under the
provisions of Article 21 of these Measures.
Article 38 Enterprises in the park may perform circulative simple processing
and value-added services on the goods stored therein, including grading and
classification, dismantling and sorting out, separate packing, measuring,
combination packaging, fixing films, adding shipping marks, mark labeling,
changing package, and assembling, and other auxiliary operations that lead to
increase in commercial value.
Article 39 An enterprise that applies for engaging in maintenance business
within the park shall have the qualification of a legal entity, and shall be
registered and filed for record with the competent Customs in the park. The
products and the components and parts thereof under the maintenance of
enterprises in the park shall come only from foreign countries, and the products
after testing and maintenance, the replaced components and parts, as well as the
materials produced during the process of maintenance shall be shipped out of
Article 40 From the day of carrying out business, enterprises in the park
shall go through formalities for reporting for verification with the competent
Customs in the park each year. The competent Customs in the park shall verify
the inventory within 30 days as of the date of receipt of the application for
reporting for verification. The relevant account books and original data of the
enterprises shall be preserved for at least 3 years from the day when the
inventory verification is completed.
Article 41 When domestic export goods transported into the park for which tax
refund formalities have not been gone through, need to be returned to the export
enterprises due to the reason of quality or specifications, the enterprise
concerned in the park shall, within one year from the day when the goods are
declared to be transported into the park, file an application to the competent
Customs in the park , and provide the certificate issued by the competent tax
authority at the locality of the export enterprise, certifying the export tax
refund has not been handled. After the competent Customs in the park grants
approval for it, the enterprise may go through the formalities for returning the
goods without paying export tax, import value-added tax and consumption tax. If
the Customs have collected export tax, the export tax collected shall be
refunded. If the goods are transported into the park areas by way of transit,
the competent Customs in the park shall handle the relevant formalities after
the enterprise in the park has presented the form of contact for returning the
goods issued by the Customs at the place of consignment.
In case any entry goods that have not undergone circulative simple processing
need to be shipped out of China in their original status, the enterprise in the
park may apply for going through returning formalities to the competent Customs
in the park.
In case there is necessity to return any goods that have gone through export
tax refund formality or have been subject to circulating simple processing
(including entry goods), the Customs formalities shall be handled in light of
the relevant provisions on import and export goods.
Article 42 Apart from the goods that have undergone circulative simple
processing, if it is necessary to return any goods that enter into the park from
the areas beyond the park to the export enterprises for replacement in their
original status due to inconformity of quality, specifications, and types with
the contract, or other reasons, the enterprise in the park shall, within one
year from the day when the goods are declared to be transported into the park,
go through formalities for returning the goods for replacement with the
competent Customs in the park. The Customs shall handle the formalities
according to the relevant provisions of the Measures of the Customs of the
People's Republic of China for the Administration of Tax Collection on Import
and Export Goods.
In case the replacements are transported into the park, they may be exempt
from export license and export tax, but the Customs shall not issue the
certification page of the declaration form of export goods.
Article 43 Where an enterprise in the park needs to carry out the business of
storage of dangerous chemicals and flammables and explosives, it shall obtain
the administrative licenses from the relevant departments of work safety, fire
control, and environmental protection, etc., and report to the competent Customs
in the park for record. The relevant storage tanks, devices, equipment and other
facilities shall comply with the requirements of Customs supervision.
Goods that are transported into and out of the park through pipelines shall be
equipped with measuring and testing devices, and other facilities and equipment
for the convenience of Customs supervision.
Article 44 Enterprises in the park may apply for abandoning the goods other
than those which may not be abandoned by declaration as prescribed by laws or
administrative regulations.
The goods abandoned shall be extracted and sold off by the competent Customs
in the park according to law, the income from the sale shall be disposed of by
the Customs in light of the relevant provisions. After the goods are sold off
according to law, the enterprises shall go through the verification formalities
upon the strength of the application for abandoning this batch of goods and the
relevant documents concerning extraction and selling of the goods by the
competent Customs. Where the goods can not be sold off because they have no use
value, the enterprises may dispose of them by themselves, and the competent
Customs in the park may handle the verification formalities directly. The
warehouse fees and other fees as are needed before extraction and selling of the
goods by the Customs shall be borne by the enterprises themselves.
For the goods abandoned that shall be destroyed as required, the enterprises
shall be responsible for destroying them, and the competent Customs in the park
may dispatch officers to make supervision. The competent Customs in the park
shall handle the formalities of cancellation after verification upon the
strength of the certificates issued by competent departments.
Article 45 In case the goods in the park are damaged, destroyed or lost due to
force majeure, enterprises in the park shall immediately report it in writing to
the competent Customs in the park, explain the reasons for it, and provide the
relevant proofs of the insurance and disaster identification departments. After
the said proofs are recognized by the competent Customs in the park, such goods
shall be handled according to the following applicable provisions:
1. If the goods are lost or are not lost but have lost use value completely,
the Customs shall handle formalities for verification and tax exemption;
2. If the entry goods are damaged or destroyed, and lose their original use
value but may be reused, enterprises in the park may go through formalities for
returning these goods with the competent Customs in the park. If the goods are
not to be returned out of China and are required to be transported to the areas
beyond the park, enterprises in the park may file an application to the
competent Customs in the park, and the goods shall be transported out of the
park after the competent Customs in the park has granted approval to the
application, and made assessment and tax collection on the use value of the
goods that suffer disaster,
3. If the goods that are transported into the park from the area beyond the
park are damaged or destroyed, lose their original use value but may be reused,
and there is necessity to replace them or return them to the export enterprises,
they may be replaced by the goods of which the name, specification, quantity,
and price are the same as those of the original goods, and the enterprises in
the park shall go through returning formalities with the competent Customs in
the park.
Where the goods need to be returned to the areas beyond the park, and the
export tax refund formalities have not been handled for them, the enterprises in
the park may go through the returning formalities with the competent Customs in
the park; if the export tax refund formalities have been gone through, the goods
shall be handled in light of the relevant provisions on transporting the entry
goods to the areas beyond the park as prescribed in item (2) of this Article.
Article 46 In case goods are damaged, destroyed, or lost due to inappropriate
storage and factors other than force majeure, they shall be handled according to
the following applicable provisions:
1. For the goods transported into the park from foreign countries, the
enterprises in the park shall, according to the provisions on goods imported
under general trade, and on the basis of the tax rate and exchange rate
applicable on the day when the Customs accepts the declaration at the time when
the goods are transported into the park, pay duties, import value-added tax, and
consumption tax according to law to the Customs on the original value of the
goods that are damaged or lost; and
2. For the goods that are transported into the park from the areas beyond the
park, the enterprises in the park shall repay the relevant taxes in the domestic
link that are refunded due to export, and the Customs shall handle formalities
for writing off on this basis.
Article 47 No storage time may be set down for the goods in the park.
section IV Supervision over Goods Coming and Going between the Parks and Other
Areas under Special Customs Supervision or Bonded Supervision Areas
Article 48 For goods that come and go between the parks and the areas under
special Customs supervision or the bonded supervision areas, the Customs shall
continue implementing bonded supervision and shall not issue the certification
page of the declaration form of export goods. If the goods are transferred from
the areas under special Customs supervision where the regime of export tax
refund in the link of entry of domestic goods into the areas (warehouses
thereof) is not implemented or from the bonded supervision areas, to the parks,
the Customs shall handle the declaration formalities in light of the relevant
provisions on the goods' actual leaving of China, and the Customs in the place
of transfer shall issue the certification page of the declaration form of export
Article 49 The relevant taxes in the link of import and export and domestic
circulation shall not be collected on the transaction and circulation of goods
between the park areas and other special areas under Customs surveillance or
bonded supervision places.
Chapter IV Supervision over the Means of Transport and the Goods and Articles
Carried by Individuals Entering and Exiting the Parks
Article 50 The means of transport and personnel shall enter and exit the parks
through the special passages as designated by the Customs.
Article 51 Goods that are transported between the parks and other ports, areas
under special Customs supervision or the bonded supervision areas shall be
transported by the means of transport that is put on record with or approved by
the Customs. The carriers shall abide by the administrative provisions
concerning the relevant means of transport and the goods carried by them.
Article 52 If goods come and go between the park and the areas beyond the park
not under special Customs supervision or the bonded supervision areas, the
enterprises may use other vehicles that is not under Customs supervision to
transport them. The vehicles employed shall be registered with the Customs when
entering or exiting the passage of the park, and the Customs may check and
inspect the goods and the vehicle.
Article 53 When the following goods are transported into and out of the park,
an enterprise in the park may specifically assign persons to carry them or may
transport them by themselves after having gone through the relevant formalities
according to the Customs provisions and having been checked by the competent
Customs in the park:
1. Small quantity of goods with the value of no more than USD 10,000;
2. Goods transported back to the areas beyond the park due to inconformity of
the quality;
3. Goods for which the formalities concerning import tax payment have been
gone through;
4. Goods for which the enterprise does not request for export tax refund; and
5. Other goods as approved by the Customs.
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
Article 54 Apart from international transit goods and other goods specified
differently, goods transported into the park from foreign countries and goods
transported to foreign countries from the park shall be listed into the Customs
import and export statistics. Goods transported into the park from the areas
beyond the park and goods transported to the areas beyond the park from the park
shall be listed into the Customs single statistics.
Goods transferred and conveyed between the enterprises in the park and the
goods that come-and-go between the park and other areas under special Customs
supervision or bonded supervision areas shall not be listed into the Customs
Article 55 The following terms in these Measures shall mean:
The term "comprehensive office areas in the park" means the places established
within the planning areas of the park and outside the surrounding net by the
administrative organ of the park or the operating entity thereof with
investment, which have such functions as business handling, business affairs,
declaration, and commodities exhibition, and etc., for the use of the Customs,
enterprises, and other relevant organizations in the park.
The term "groupage" means the logistic activities whereby the enterprises in
the park, according to the instruction of the consigners and consignees,
undertake circulative simple processing and perform value-added services only on
international container goods in transit that are consigned from foreign
countries during the time they are stored in the transit port, or transport them
collectively to the same one overseas port of destination after they are
re-combined and consolidated with other import or export goods at the countries
or districts where the transit ports are located.
The term "inventory verification" means acts of the Customs for making an
inventory of the actual inventory of enterprises and making comparison and
confirmation on the data in respect of enter, exit, transfer and storage of
goods in the electronic account books of the Customs and the enterprises.
The term "areas under special Customs supervision" means the bonded zones,
export processing zones, parks, bonded harbor areas and other areas under
special supervision, which are established upon the approval of the State
The term "bonded supervision areas" means the bonded logistic centers (Type A
and Type B), bonded warehouses, export supervised warehouses, and other bonded
supervision areas, which are established upon approval of the Customs.
Article 56 In case anyone violates the provisions of the these Measures, and
constitutes a smuggling act or act in violation of the provisions concerning
Customs supervision, the Customs shall handle it in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and the
Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Implementation of Customs
Administrative Punishment; if a crime is constituted, criminal liabilities shall
be investigated according to law.
Article 57 The power to interpret these Measures shall remain with the General
Administration of Customs.
Article 58 These Measures shall go into effect as of January 1st, 2006.
中英對照法規(guī) 英文法規(guī) 中華人民共和國海關(guān)對保稅物流園區(qū)的管理辦法中英雙語 中華人民共和國海關(guān)對保稅物流園區(qū)的管理辦法中英對照 中華人民共和國海關(guān)對保稅物流園區(qū)的管理辦法英語版